#2: The Monster

This site has been in the making for a long time.

The first commit on GitHub is 10 months ago.

I've procastinated a bit, for sure, but I've also set up one of my more complex websites yet, and learned a lot of new technologies.

Tech stack

This was my first time using Turborepo. I wanted a monorepo because I needed separate frontend and backend with shared resources.

The front-end I picked was Next.js hosted on Vercel, with TailwindCSS for styling - my go-to stack.

I had many rounds back and forth regarding database. As the datasets would be large and relational I wanted to go for an SQL solution. To avoid overcomplication I wanted something managed and I landed on Planetscale. The $29/month plan fit the project well. Prisma is my go-to ORM and comes with nice TypeScript support.

As I'm running a lot of cron jobs in the background to keep my data fresh I couldn't rely on Vercel. Timeouts and pricing made made me look towards AWS Lambdas. I used the Serverless Framework to handle interactions and deploiyments to AWS.


The issue with a site with ~7M pages is getting everything indexed.


I'm quite happy with the traffic so far.


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